Thursday 2 March 2017

Lake Okataina Camp

Room 13 had a fantastic 3 day camping experience in our second week of school. We went on bush walks, explored the forest after dark, kayaked and swam at the lake. We also learnt how to orienteer with a GPS device and overcame our fear of the dark by following a burma trail and studying the glow-worm habitats.

Over the coming weeks, expect to see some awesome writing which stemmed from this experience. Right now, you could flick over to the Inquiry page to look at the photos of us from one of our bush walks where we were challenged to build a bivouac for our Legoman vs Wild challenge.


  1. I loved camp! the glowworm walk was really cool, and it looked magical! the burgers were almost as good as MY dads burgers! the burma trail wasn't really pitch black as I thought it would be, though. the girls kept screaming which was a little bit annoying for all the boys.

  2. I had so much fun on the lake when i was kaiaking.

  3. I had so much fun at the lake .I loved kaiaking the best i wonder if you did.
